At Countryside Veterinary Small Animal Clinic, LLC. We have been doing surgical implants for over 20 years. Dr. Hood began doing surgical inseminations after extensive study and talking with veterinarians and breeders. This took our conception rate to around 90 percent. We have found this to be very successful for dogs known to have conception difficulties or anatomical barriers. Insemination directly into the uterus has increased litter size and relieved the client frustration.

Surgical insemination also allows us to observe uterine and ovarian health at the breeding time while giving the owners of dogs with histories of reproductive failure or problems the answer they are looking for. Surgical insemination also can be more advantageous when using a male with a lower sperm count.

We Provide Solutions for your Pets’ Breeding Situations

Methods of timing the cycle of a dog, such as the color of discharge, swelling of the vulva, and flagging, were the traditional sign that was watched for when to breed. These are not very reliable. Vaginal cytology (smears) is used as a rough gauge for when to start progesterone testing to determine ovulation timing. 

To know when the prime breeding time for you dog, we will do progesterone tests. The number of tests varies from dog to dog and breed to breed. When the specific progesterone level is detected, we will determine the best time to breed your dog. 

Fresh, chilled, or frozen semen can be used to breed your dog. This will also play into when the best time to breed is. While we believe that surgical implants give you the best possible chance of puppies, we also do vaginal insemination.

For More Information About Our Artificial Insemination Services, Contact Countryside Veterinary Small Animal Clinic Today At (417) 326-7297

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